Falcon Precision have recently upgraded our website to help our customers access more of our sheet metal content. Over the coming months, content will be uploaded so customers can access information such as CNC punching tips, tooling lists, design for manufacture and more.
Sheet metal fabrication can seem like a specialist industry with a broad range of inside knowledge. Falcon’s success is built on having 30 years experience of working with customers and their designers to deliver quality products. We still get most of our business through word of mouth passed on by satisfied customers. This often comes directly from the designers, happy with the quality and delivery of their parts. Falcon intends to strengthen this relationship by making more more key information readily available to designers.
In the coming months designers will be able to check what radius bars we stock on our press brakes. Engineers will be able to check what our recommended tolerances are for each fabrication process. These little benefits can help reduce cost, lead time and reject counts across a product life-time. The process of uploading this content has already begun. For tips on sheet metal design, visit the latest in a series of new design pages here: https://www.falconprecision.co.uk/design-features/sheet-metal-design

We will also be uploading media to our showroom page to see how other customers are having their parts made. Whilst Falcon are known as a specialist sheet metal fabricator to the computer industry, you will see we make a lot more than that! This can be very useful for design inspiration or problem solving, as well as understanding what it is we do. Make sure you check back in a few months to see what we’ve been working on!
To see how Hampshire’s leading sheet metal fabricator can help your requirements, click the link below to contact us directly.